Welcome to UU Meriden


First-Timer Questions

When are Sunday worship services? Service is held at 10:30 AM  during Sept-June. During July and August, service is held at 10 AM. 

What should I wear? Wear what is comfortable for you. Some people wear nice casual clothes. Some are happier wearing jeans. A few folks like to wear suits and ties. You will be welcome wearing whatever you like 

Where should I sit? Wherever you like! But if you’re having trouble finding a spot, an usher can help you.

Where are the restrooms? Two restrooms are across the a hallway from Sanctuary.

I don’t want to stand up or be introduced. Is that OK? Certainly!

How long does the service last? It varies; usually a little more than an hour. 

Where do we park?

What can we expect during and after the service?

Do I have to wear a name tag? No, it’s optional. It allows us to welcome you, but if you prefer to be anonymous at first, that’s fine!

Worship Service

Our services usually include instrumental music and singing, a time for meditation or prayer and a sermon or reflection.  Each Sunday we share joys and sorrows, and an offering is taken to support the congregation’s social justice council activities. Services run 60-75 minutes in length. As you enter the Sanctuary, an usher will give you an Order of Service; hymnals are provided at the seats. Large print Orders of Service and hymnals  are available.  Our services are typically led by the Rev. Dr. Jan Carlsson-Bull, but may also be led by a lay leader with a pulpit guest

After the Service

 After the service join us for refreshments and conversation.