Unitarian Universalist congregations have a good percentage of former Roman Catholics,  especially in the northeast and other heavily Catholic areas of the United States.  The resources on this page are for Unitarian Universalists who left Roman Catholicism.  Some are helpful in seeing a more liberal Christian theology.  Some are helpful in understanding theological differences between traditional Catholic (and Christian) doctrine. Some are helpful in understanding what the Bible from a historical, sociological, and literary perspective.  Some are helpful in understanding the basic of Unitarian Universalism. Please feel free to use these resources for helping former Catholics process their journey from Catholicism into Unitarian Universalism.

Read the 2015 study from the Public Religion Research Institute on where former Catholics go when they leave the church.

The basic difference in theological approach between traditional Christian doctrine and Liberal Religion:

A Summary of the Differences between traditional Christian (and Catholic) “Fall & Redemption” theology and “Creation Spirituality” common to progressive Christians and Unitarian Universalists

Listen to “The Grace Scale and Emergent Universalism” – a sermon in which Rev. Tony Lorenzen reflects on the “Grace Scale”, a sociological tool developed by the late Catholic priest, sociologist, and novelist Andrew Greeley that demonstrated strong positive correlations between people’s image of God and world view, cultural attitudes, and political preferences. Rev. Tony suggests Unitarian Universalism is helping to generate a more grace filled religious landscape and perhaps even a more grace-ful God.  Read/Download a PDF of the sermon here.


Read/Download Rev. Tony Lorenzen’s four-part course on The Trinity for Unitarians here.


A READING LIST FOR Ex-Catholics who are Unitarian Universalists