All we do is Faith Development
All We Teach is Unitarian Universalism
The Congregation is the Curriculum
We believe learning and spiritual growth are a lifelong process. The Adult Lifespan Faith Development Program at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Meriden seeks to help us understand our own spiritual and religious journey, deepen our understanding of Unitarian Universalism, develop our own individual spirituality and related spiritual practices, and teach leadership, organizing, and other life skills. We expect each member and staff person to engage actively in their ongoing spiritual growth.
Upcoming Classes, Discussions, and Workshops
Gong Meditation
Mondays at 6:00-7 pm
Facilitator: Denise Picard
Where: UUCM, 328 Paddock Ave.
A Tibetan lama was asked how do you teach a child to meditate? His answer was to ring a bell and wait for the sound to disappear. The gong experience is a sound immersion of emotional crescendos accented by periods of silence, listening for the fade to infinity… Come join us as we journey together into the deep space of your interior. No experience needed, just a set of ears.
Join Dennis in-person on Monday evenings at UUCM, 328 Paddock Avenue
Click Here to See the more of Adult Religious Exploration Class and Gathering
Soul Circles are a small group ministry that meets on Zoom or in person. In person group will meet twice the 1st and 3rd Saturday of month. Zoom group will once a month on Thursday morning at 11 am. The meetings will consist of 8-12 people gathering on Zoom for a time of reflection and sharing. The sessions are times to support each other and listen to each other and thereby deepen relationships and trust with each other. Each gathering will include a chalice lighting, a time to check in and share joys and concerns, a time for reflecting on questions and resources related to our monthly theme, closing words, and extinguishing the chalice. The reflection material will come from Soul Matters and be available at the beginning of each month be emailed directly to participants. Zoom meeting room information will be given to you upon registration.
If you need a Zoom tutorial, contact Rev. Tony.
EXPLORE Soul Circles