Like Guides on Your Search for Truth and Meaning

Our Monthly ThemeEach month we offer dozens of resources related to our theme, including books, movies, music, videos, podcasts, quotes, and questions for reflection.

Unitarian Universalist Spiritual Directors Network Begin work with a spiritual director, meeting once a month to talk about your own spiritual journey.

A Brief Reading List on Unitarian Universalist Theology and History




Rev. Tony keeps lists of Twitter feeds that UU’s may find inspirational, informational, and interesting.

Contemplative Life Twitter feeds that focus on the inspiritational and meditative

Liberal Faith Leaders – Twitter posts from liberal religious leaders such UU President, Rev. Susan Frederick Gray, William Barber Jr, Sharon Salzberg, etc. 

Religious News – Twitter posts from some major sources of news about religion


Websites and Daily Emails


On Being 


Unitarian Universalist

The Daily Compass – A daily blog by the UUA’s Church of The Larger Fellowship

Daily Email from All Souls UUnitarian Church, NYC sign up here.

Quest for Meaning – UUA’s Church of the Larger Fellowship monthly newsletter

The Wednesday Word, weekly inspirational email from The UU Christian Fellowship


Liberal Christian

Nadia  Bolz Weber’s “The Corners” newsletter

Center for Action and Contemplation (Fr. Richard Rhor) 

United Church of Christ Daily Devotional – sign up for email



Sharon Salzberg – blog and form to sign up for email newsletter

Daily Zen

Maria Kanon Zen Center daily blog and sign up for newsletter


Social Justice

UU the Vote

Unitarian Universalist Service Committee

Moral Monday Connecticut

Connecticut Immigrant Rights Alliance

Meriden Census Info

The Poor People’s Campaign

The Sunrise Movement


SPIRITUAL CHALLENGE for NOV. 2022 – Make a Change

My spiritual challenge to you this month is to make a change in your life. Change is difficult for many people, not because change in itself is problematic, but because of the fear that change will make a difference we don’t want as well as a difference we appreciate. Many people experience anxiety around change because they are afraid they will lose something important due to the change. Because change is complex and difficult, dealing with change gets better with practice.

Make a change in your daily routine, your self-care, your spiritual practice, your waking and sleeping pattern. stop doing something you’ve wanted to quit but haven’t or begin a new endeavor you’ve been putting off. The change might be as simple as changing the route you take on your daily walk or putting that bonsai tree you’ve never been able to maintain in the compost bin. As you get ready to make the change, make a list of pros and cons framed as what you can gain by making this change and what you can lose. Does the fear of loss inhibit your efforts in trying to make a change, even though you may have a lot of positive things to gain? Does fear of losing something cause you to make a different change than you had originally planned? Is the change you made sticking, or would you rather go back to what you used to do? Not all changes need to be permanent. Sometimes we make changes to try things out or prototype a new routine or activity. Whatever your personal outcome, it’s all good. It’s all practice.

As always, I’d love to hear about your experiences with this challenge. Call or text me at 508-344-3668 or send me an email at