Pathways to Membership

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“You need not think alike to love alike” -Fracis Davis

Pathway to Membership 

Becoming a member of UUCM means that you are making a commitment, both to our congregation and to Unitarian Universalism. Because our congregation operates independent of any central authority, members set the course for the congregation and make decisions affecting everything from the selection of its minister to how we spend our money to your heart’s content.

We require prospective members to participate in a 4-hour program called “Next Steps.”   This is also a great way to get to know more about Unitarian Universalism and our congregation, even if you’re not prepared to become a member! Next Steps is offered twice each year on  Sundays following the worship service at 12:15 pm. Child care and lunch are provided at no cost.

At Next Steps you’ll learn more about our faith, its deep history, and about how our congregation operates. You’ll also learn about the four expectations of membership:

  • To attend Sunday worship services on a regular basis
  • To take your own spiritual growth seriously by engaging in spiritual practices and participating in adult faith development programs
  • To make a financial commitment to support the congregation’s operating budget
  • To serve the world. This can take a variety of forms and includes service both within the congregation and in the wider community

Once you’ve participated in Next Steps, you’re eligible to become a member of UUCM at any time you choose. All you need to do is set up an appointment with the minister to sign our membership book.
