Advancing Justice

 takes Several Forms at UUCM

Service and Giving
​The purpose of social justice service is to meet the needs of persons in distress. For examples, by sheltering the homeless, collecting money, donating food or clothing. Often social justice service is done in partnership with those being served and/or supporting or partnering with other organizations.

The purpose of social justice  education is to teach people about the importance of a social issue. The goal is to inform people about the aspects of the issue and also interpret the issue within the context of liberal religious values. For example, through reading groups, speakers, discussion groups, worship services and sermons.

The purpose of advocacy is to work through the legislative process in order to impact public policy, as well as to contact officials in a variety of other social institutions that deal with the public, in order to alter their policies the affect them.

The purpose of social justice witness is to make the public aware by word or deed the convictions of an individual or organization regarding a particular issue. Examples: participating in demonstrations, vigils, and marches, writing letters, passing resolutions.

Learn more at


Social Justice Blogs








Be a force for change with our Social Justice intitiatives

Giving to create change

  • Holiday gifts for men at Meriden Shelter Now,
  • Money for Guest at your Table fundraising program of UU Service Committee,
  • Money and attendance of Meriden’s Martin Luther King Jr. /Albert Owens Scholarship Breakfast
  • Money for Social Justice Council to use for causes they deem appropriate, including 25% from Sunday service and additional fundraising request
Actions to work toward systemic changes

-Rallies and Actions, including state and federal legislative actions, concerning:

  • Immigration policies,
  • State sanctioned violence against brown and black persons
  • Universal health care
  • Environmental justice
  • Voting rights and voter suppression
  • Civil Disobedience through Moral Monday CT

-Provision of Sanctuary for those individuals who are undocumented and facing imminent deportation from the United States

 Partners in Social Justice

 We are strong together! The Social Justice Council joins their voices with other Social Justice group such as Moral Monday CT,  United Action CT, UU Service Committee.

Visit our Partners at their websites

CT Shoreline Indivisible
